Last November I flew to China to work with our factories and decided to take a roll of B&W film a friend gave me. It’s times like this I really, really, really wish my parents had made me learn Mandarin. The amount of times I’ve walked into a factory in China or sat down atContinue reading “DAY JOB”


HONG KONG   LONDON   Recently I was lucky enough to travel to HK and the UK for work. Typically even though it was a work trip, I couldn’t help but document it all. Much to the dismay and embarrassment of my work colleagues, who really should be used to it by now, I tookContinue reading “TRAVEL”


 I’ve recently had a little hiatus from the blog due to some crazy deadlines at work. Days and nights blurred together and weekends were spent on the couch binge watching Freaks and Geeks on Netflix. I was the definition of a couch potato, while eating potatoes, seriously I became a potato. Amongst all the chaosContinue reading “SHANGHAI”

witch jolie nguyen

Be beautiful, you never know who you are inspiring

The London Mummy

The Cool Guide For Smart Mummys

l'homme terrible

From a long line of sinners.

- The Fashion Faddist -

Just a girl sharing her outfit obsessions

For the free-spirited bad ass with a gold soul

California Pixie Vintage Fashion Decor Style Blog

Kimi Encarnacion is a vintage junkie with an obsession for kitschy decor and a mad love for fashion and personal style.


Creating gorgeousness daily ;-)

Ali Does It Herself

adventures in grown-up living

M&J Blog

Photo journal


Photo journal


because thread is the best glue.

The Grown Up Kids

Life. Street Photography. Fashion. Food

The Style Voyager

Hong Kong Fashion and Lifestyle Blog.


Celebrate you , Celebrate STYLE